Moonfaze is a brand that celebrates the starry wonder of plus-sized bodies. Customers above a size 10 are often after-thoughts, and have limited variety to choose from. Of these scraps, there tends to be fit and sizing issues, and the price is higher than it is straight-size garments. On the Moonfaze website, with both a day and night mode, shopping is made seamless for the customer who may have trouble elsewhere. Plus-sized people are not only important to us, they are the entire focus of our brand. We celebrate every size, shape, and faze: because they are all beautiful, like the phases of the moon.

This is an interactive website prototype. Enter our cyberspace and explore!

Poster Series
Artist/Thesis Statement

In alternative fashion and plus-sized circles, fat people have long expressed their disappointment in the lack of brands willing to make edgy clothing in larger sizes. The community, despite having little options, often makes do by customizing/creating their own clothes, poring through thrift stores and spending hours sewing, dying, designing and assembling the pieces that they were unable to find in their size. Being alternative and fat is often a labor of love.
Moonfaze is an alternative plus-sized clothing company. We are inspired by the phases of the moon, which are equally beautiful despite the range in size and shape. The moon also has texture and bumps on its’ surface and this only adds to its’ loveliness. People that were made to feel ashamed and banished themselves to the shadows should now revel in who they are, and bathe in the moonlight.
Process Book

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